Thursday, March 5, 2015

Asparagus in a Yummy White Sauce

Do you really want a romantic evening? Sure, soft music and a lighted room with candles are nice but wouldn't asparagus in a yummy white sauce spice things up? It sure does! According to researchers asparagus affects hormone levels, brain chemistry, and energy. Do I need to explain the rest or do you get the hint? Not only will asparagus "spice" things up but the entree is also full of vitamins, nutrients and many benefits. Garlic combats sickness, olive oil prevents heart disease, and pasta helps sustain energy for your brain, and muscles. We say if food is love, it's Italian cuisine that wins our affection. So, what are you waiting for? Follow these instructions below and dig in.

1 stalk of asparagus
6 gloves of garlic
1/2 cup of olive oil
4 leafs fresh leafs of parsley
1/2 box of pasta of your choice.
1/4 stick of butter

1.Cut asparagus into equal pieces, mince the garlic, and parsley.
2.Add olive oil to large pan
3.Add asparagus, garlic, parsley, a pinch of salt, and a pinch of pepper to large pan.
4.Set stove to medium heat and add butter to large pan.
5.Let the sauce simmer for 10-15 minutes
6.Bring a pot of water to a boil and then add pasta until al dente  
7.Drain pasta and add sauce 

There you have it asparagus in a yummy white sauce. Bon appetit.